Technical drawings are paramount in the construction, inspection, investigation and maintenance of a building. If these have been lost, destroyed or not updated regularly they can be unusable for new projects. CECC can assist you with this by drafting new drawings from scratch using AutoCAD. This is created by our trained engineers who will take an inventory of your building using visual inspections, past drawings and interviews with building users.
CECC also has the technical capabilities to store all of your drawings using our LINK Technical Documentation and Drawing Management service. This service acts as an online storage and backup system for you with the added benefit of being able to access this information as and when you need it. Our service is centrally based thus allowing ease of recovery and access to building management, the facility manager, maintenance manager, the project leader and the technical staff.
We can also provide an all-round service for your drawing-needs, by checking drawings updated by your contractor or installer, and after approval replacing the online version on our servers. This ensures that we are always storing drawings and technical documentation that represents the current status of your building. We do this for installation drawings and also As-build drawings and should you not have an As-build drawing from your latest construction project, CECC can create this for you.
Click here LINK for more information on our Technical Documentation and Drawing Management service, or get in contact with us today to discuss how we have added value for our previous clients regarding inventory and drawings.